2014. március 11., kedd

Medications :)

So what type of medicines I'm taking nowadays:
- Choline-DHA 2x1: support memory functions and improve cognitive abilities and sleep patterns
- Lactoferrin complex 2x1: protein, naturally present in milk, it is known to reinforce the immune system and to have beneficial effect on intestinal fuction by balancing the human gut flora
- Béres csepp 2x20
- Omega 3 2x1
- 4 ME 1x1: hypodermic syringe, is effective for patients who suffer from CFS/fybromyalgia. 4 ME is a collection of amino acid, administered by intra-muscular or subcutaneous injection
- Azithromycin 250mg 1x1: is responsible to remove atypical inflammtory syndrome
- GcMAF 25 nanogram S.C/ week: it rebuilds the immune system to destroy chronic diseases

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